Sunday, November 8, 2009

life wants...

my entire life has changed... this is what my friend and i exclaim to one another when there is extensive time between talks
so... now is say it to you...

my entire life has changed!

(it has been a while since i've shared... tends to be an issue that overflows into my real life and my relationships as well.. but i'm working on it)

what do YOU want?

i pose this question to close friends and to people i am getting to know.. the answer ever-evolving with the growth and experiences of the individual. to most, the answer does not come so easy to what, at first, seems to be a simple question...

for the longest time i desired inner peace... i have it now, and am SO thankful to Him for that. it seemed impossible... but now i have proof that prayers changes things... the battle was in my mind... i won

no.. my life is not perfect and i am far from satisfied.. i still have desires and goals that have yet to be reached but,


so what do i want? (in no particular order)

to have control of my life and live everyday on purpose.... to know i can do anything i want.. through Him of course

to have the faith, patience and persistence to see it all through

to fall deeply into passionate love and maintain a stable relationship with Him as our center

we partner together on creative and business endeavors and we obtain synergy as a dynamic team

reach a position as a visual manager/director

have income of $100,000 per yr

make/create jewelry, inspiration, art, etc.

be married to the person i described sharing the relationship with me above

own a beautiful home

have the financial comfort/stability to do as i please as far as shopping and travel is concerned

have a site/space to showcase my work

have long curly hair that has grown to the middle of my back.. again patience is neccessary here :)

be a healthy 120-123 lbs.

have 2-3 beautiful, healthy, charismatic children with the brains of creative intellects and a hustler spirit

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