Sunday, August 10, 2008

this way

he asked me why am i this way. out of all his friends, i'm the only one that acts like this. even out of all my friends, i am the lone black sheep.

i live on an island. its just north of reality. occasionally, i go down south to visit others, bringing my island with me of course, to exchange fruit and other local delicacies. at the end of the day i fall asleep and my island is right back where it started.

it also seems as though there is a portion of the population that isn't very keen on my owning this land. i tend not to acknowledge their presence. oh yes, at first it was hard- had me thinking something was wrong with me. but i discovered there is no wrong, just difference. i am exactly the way i am because this is how God created me to be... island and all.

i guess this still doesn't answer the why. i mean why is the sky blue? geez. it's so hard to say. what makes me, would for the most part seem to be subconscious layers of thoughts, experiences, and influence (how is this different from everyone else though?)

it has been observed that i don't quite fall in line with the general population, and i feel it myself, but what is IT?

the people that i purposefully keep in my life and keep close to me inspire. they bring me an element of safety and comfort. their islands are usually filled with people because that's what makes them happy. i love it when they are in this state of contentment, but enjoy them most when i have them all to myself. they sometimes venture off their populated islands to experience a bit of peace on mine. i have noticed over the years that i have never quite been away from my island, but in all honestly that's how i would prefer it.

on the contrary, there are times when i don't like being on my island. occasionally darkness falls and all i can do is sit and pray. most of the population isn't aware that my island knows more than the sun. i usually don't invite others at night. bad habit. i guess to me it seems as though darkness is contagious. i'd rather not put a damper on their cocktail parties. so i usually wallow and stay in prayer. eventually, i fall asleep and wake to the sun again. knowing that i am still alone and on my own but that it is ok.

i still probably haven't answered the why... dunno if i have an answer or if it is really important. i just am.

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